DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER Nürnberg (“The Young Entrepreneurs Association of Nürnberg) elects Christine Sparvoli-Frank as their new regional representative.
The trade association DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER Nürnberg (“The Young Entrepreneurs Association of Nürnberg) elects Christine Sparvoli-Frank as their new regional representative.
On the 18th of September 2018, high above the clouds of Becker’s Flight Simulation Centre in Nürnberg, a congregation of association members elected the 34-year-old entrepreneur as their new pilot. Together with many new members, ideas were passionately exchanged about how to improve networking and exchange at a regional level.

Christine Sparvoli-Frank is ready for the task of leading enterprises fit for the new generations. After a successful international career as a DACH Sales Director for Mintel in London, she decided to return to the almost 150-year-old family company Ferdinand Kreutzer Sabamühle GmbH, which specialises in the delivery of ingredients and additives for the food production industry. “For my father it was always important to follow the footsteps of his own father, so I know that it makes him happy now to see the younger generation trying to follow his own”, says Christine Sparvoli-Frank. Together with her cousin Fabian Frank, in 2015 she co-founded the start-up Guampa Energy. Its main USP: with RealStevia° it’s possible to produce a sugar-free, healthier alternative to the existing Energy Drinks sector. Through the purchase of a Guampa can, consumers obtain a double benefit: the knowledge that it refreshes them without being harmful, whilst at the same time directly supporting the local Stevia farmers in Paraguay with a financial investment.
With the Guampa slogan “Good for you – Good for the World” in her ears, Christine Sparvoli-Frank now also leads her region as representative of the JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER. Strong, innovative and successful, just like the JU’s effort for a social marketplace, unfettered by the State’s influence. In order to keep the economy successful in the future, a proper framework is crucial, and this is true in every sector: for the achievement of a good relation between career and family, a pleasant Work-Life-Balance, so that an enterprise may become attractive for skilled workers, and in the same way for European politics, on which Christine Sparvoli-Frank’s focus is now set. “We are the first generation to grow up without borders, able to travel, study and work throughout the whole European Union. A whole continent, united in friendship and prosperity – this vision should never be far from the eyes of either politics or economics.” This vision propels Christine Sparvoli-Frank forward and- not only thanks to Energy Drinks – she has the power needed to make the association fit for the future.