

News (EN)

What is Halal? Halal definition:

  What is Halal? Halal definition: “Halal” (halāl, Arabic حلال) – or “Helal” in Turkish. Halal (Arabic حلال, halāl) is an Arabic word and can be translated as “permitted” and “permissible”. The meaning of halal is “that which is lawful, permitted and authorised”. Halal therefore encompasses all things and actions that are permitted, permissible and...

We continue to grow: This is what the new warehouse of Ferdinand Kreutzer-Sabamühle in Hamburg looks like

We continue to grow: This is what the new warehouse of Ferdinand Kreutzer-Sabamühle in Hamburg looks like. Pictures of the new hall As a system-relevant company in the food industry, we decided last year to build the new warehouse in our branch in Drage an der Elbe despite the Corona obstacles and finally our new...

What is kosher_Kosher_Zert?

Kosher in the Jewish Faith The Jewish dietary laws, the kashrut, divide foods into “kosher” foods that are permitted for consumption and “non-kosher” foods that are not permitted for consumption. In this country the term “kosher” is often used as a synonym for “perfect” or “harmless”. Under the Kashrut, the following are essential: division of...

“GMP + FSA” Certification

“Companies with the “GMP + FSA” certificate prove that they meet all requirements and conditions with regard to ensuring feed safety. FSA stands for “Feed Safety Assurance”. With well over 18,000 GMP + FSA certified companies, it is the largest module within the GMP + certification system. GMP + FSA comprises standards for all links...

Your new partner for RSPO certified palm oil Ferdinand Kreutzer-Sabamühle GmbH as RSPO member

Your new partner for RSPO certified palm oil Ferdinand Kreutzer-Sabamühle GmbH as RSPO member Palm oil as important source Palm oil is used in many products, from margarine and sweets to cosmetics, fuel for cars and power plants. Palm oil is one of the most important oil sources, because of its great cooking properties, it...

A world of starch

A world of starch A small part of many people’s food ingredients list is big business for the Nuremberg company. This is a company anniversary that does not happen so often: the Frank entrepreneurial family celebrated the 150th birthday of Ferdinand Kreutzer-Sabamühle GmbH with a ceremony in the historic town hall in Nuremberg. The company,...

“Goods from Nuremberg travel all over the world”!

“Goods from Nuremberg travel all over the world”! Ferdinand Kreutzer-Sabamühle GmbH celebrates this year its 150th anniversary: the “Hidden Champion” of the Franconian metropolitan region is Germany’s leading wholesaler of Starch products for the food industry. Nonetheless, our business rarely makes the headlines because aside from Guampa Energy Drink which is available for retail, most...

Stevia – The natural alternative to sugar and other sweeteners

Stevia – The natural alternative to sugar and other sweeteners Stevia – The natural alternative to sugar and other sweeteners. The plant called Stevia Rebaudiana is typically found in South America, and is also known as the “honey plant” or the “sweet plant” because of its naturally sweet taste.  Stevia rebaudiana The concentrate derived from...

GUAMPA: The first drink in the world exclusively sweetened with Real Stevia™.

GUAMPA: The first drink in the world exclusively sweetened with Real Stevia™.  A new generation of Energy Drinks. GUAMPA Refreshing Energy is an energy drink which completely avoids the use of taurine and sugar as ingredients, for a fresh, new taste exclusively sweetened by Real Stevia™ from Paraguay. Guampa Energydrink Together with our longstanding Partner...

DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER Nürnberg (“The Young Entrepreneurs Association of Nürnberg) elects Christine Sparvoli-Frank as their new regional representative.

DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER Nürnberg (“The Young Entrepreneurs Association of Nürnberg) elects Christine Sparvoli-Frank as their new regional representative. The trade association DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER Nürnberg (“The Young Entrepreneurs Association of Nürnberg) elects Christine Sparvoli-Frank as their new regional representative. On the 18th of September 2018, high above the clouds of Becker’s Flight Simulation Centre in...